Posts Tagged ‘over’

Do you think the Goth subculture has been in decline over the last decade?

Curious to know what people think. Hard facts, sources, and statistics would be awesome but opinions are cool too!

submitted by /u/Ottodebac
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Reddit’s Goth Community

has anyone else noticed a rise in bullying over people having different interpretations on what is and what isn’t goth?

Please correct me if I am wrong about this and I am fully open to criticism:

For a while now I have seen a rise in berating others, especially baby bats, for interpreting a band or song as goth that another person disagrees with it/makes fun of them for thinking it is goth. I have seen legitimate harassment level messages such as death threats due to someone interpreting something as goth that another person deems incorrect. Music genres, especially this one with so many genres and subgenres, get incredibly blurry in some areas with other music (such as new wave and non-goth postpunk) and it feels wrong to say that there is an exact hard line everyone has to agree on between what is and isn’t be considered goth. Obviously not saying that BTS or Arianna Grande are goth due to interpretation as that would be straight up wrong, but for example the debates on Molchat Doma and similar seem to go wayyyy further than should. Why can’t we just “I interpret this song/band as goth” “I interpret this song differently and not as goth” “that is okay”?. The subculture is very important to me so I know that keeping the genres meanings are important, but the recent rise has kind of concerned me and a lot of the “protecting the meaning” has gone way off the rail. Has anyone noticed a similar trend? Is this a common sentiment and I’m just late to the party? How can we better approach this issue and help prevent toxicity?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/ChickenPale907
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Eldergoths/Goths over 40+ have you ever been made fun of for still being in the scene?

For goths that are 40 or above, have you ever been dissed by someone, whether they were a goth or a non-goth, about you still being in the scene at your age?

I ask this as a 20 something babybat with bad skin, who is already self-conscious about whether or not I'm pulling it off or not.

Do you ever get self-conscious about it?

submitted by /u/WhitePinoy
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over an hour later i finally got this stinker done. time to add it to my pants.

submitted by /u/Salt_Nefariousness78
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Goths For Sanctuaries Online Festival 19-23 Oct. Streaming great tunes all weekend to help support and raise funds for amazing animal sanctuaries, shelters and rescues all over the world. Please drop in and check it out! Thanks!

submitted by /u/KKVerkefni
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Reddit’s Goth Community

The Sisters of Mercy — can someone help explain or or provide insight into the band’s genuinely bizarre creative & commercial decisions over the last few decades?

NONE OF WHAT FOLLOWS IS INTENDED AS A COMPLAINT OR CRITICISM. I know some people will probably be a little sensitive about this stuff, so I think it's worth stating that from the outset. I don't think The Sisters of Mercy have to work harder or be better. I don't think they owe us anything. If Eldritch & Company are happy, that's good enough for me. I'm largely just curious about why they operate the way they do. I don't read interviews or articles about the band, so I'm not sure if any of this has ever been addressed.

That said, I went to the Boston and NYC shows last month, and I got into a discussion about the band with a friend who picked me up from the airport. He owned and enjoyed Floodland, but knew little else about The Sisters. For the life of me I couldn't really explain certain decisions they've made over the years, namely stuff like:

They have not released a studio album in almost 30 years. Clearly they've been writing new material all this time, and performing it live. Why aren't there studio tracks? Eldritch seemed pretty fed up with record labels in the 90's, so that was understandable at the time. But we now live in an era of self-published music. Surely they could record stuff and sell it digitally, or sell self-pressed CDs at live shows. I would love to hear what their new stuff sounds like with proper production. I think in interviews Eldritch has made excuses about the cost of making new recordings, but certainly far less notable acts have managed to release music despite the cost.

They have virtually no presence on the internet. There is no official account for the band on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. The Sisters' official web page was pretty clearly designed in 1999, and hasn't been significantly updated since. Visiting their site is like stepping into a time machine, in a pleasant way. I kind of like how weirdly sterile and threadbare it is. Their merchandise page only accepts payment in UK pounds sterling, which is going to inherently limit the number of people buying merch. I don't want or expect them to be crazed capitalists, but it'd be nice if I could buy stuff without jumping through hoops.

They stopped touring in America for 15 years. The Sisters used to swing through North America every 2-3 years in the 2000's. I went to a few shows at the House of Blues Orlando during this time, and admittedly each one had diminishing returns in terms of crowd size. The first show I went to was crazy-packed, and the last one had a pretty sparse crowd. Maybe they thought a hiatus was necessary, and that their American audience was dwindling? Maybe they just run a lean-and-mean operation, and doing the Europe/Latin America festival scene was easier or more profitable? The 2023 American tour seems to have gone pretty well, so I hope they will come back soon.

The "new" logo. Why was the fairly beloved old Merciful Release logo replaced with the weird alien design? Aliens were in vogue in the 90's so I kinda get it, but we're 20 years on now and the "new" design feels much more dated and passe than the old one. Why do they insist on the newer logo when the old one is much more beloved and recognizable?

Is there any rhyme or reason to all this? Or should I just chalk it up as "Andrew Eldritch is a weirdo with strong convictions we'll never understand"?

submitted by /u/border199x
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The Snake Corps – Party’s Over

submitted by /u/arm_andhofmann
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I like the macabre, and usually, unfortunately, others tease me over it…?

It feels over done and cheesy. Like a stereotypical scenario of the every day joe telling someone it isn’t Halloween yet. It happens because of my music, my art, my clothes, my interests,ect. Usually I can laugh it off or awkwardly smile, but there are times where I simply can’t entertain it. It’s tiring sometimes. It’s this acceptance of loss I’m feeling in knowing I’ll always have empathy for what others enjoy, even if I dont enjoy it, and my world feeling consumed by others who will never do the same. It’s the most saddening when you thought you were in a place where other lost souls go, but even in a grave of the souless, you are an outcast.

submitted by /u/SadScissorhandsboy
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Where is all the outrage over Rozz Williams being a nazi?

Where is all the outrage over Rozz William's using nazi imagery? Yet you guys are foaming at the mouth to cancel anyone else over a rumour about misconduct. The goth subculture is full of hypocrites. If any other artist did this today everyone would be lined up with torches to take him down. Incoming apologists and "well he didn't really mean it, it was just for shock value" "it was a different time" excuses.
"hE wAsn'T rEaLlY a nAzI!11!!" "hE iSn'T aLiVe tO eXpLaIn iT!11!" There are NEVER excuses for this. NEVER.

submitted by /u/Endlessdescent21
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Hi! My dad created a youtube channel to gather and select very special, obscure postpunk, goth, etc. so more people would have access to real rarities. This is his newest compilation, it’s 80’s themed, has a painfully melancholic vibe, and contains songs from all over the world. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/noncsi
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